
Corporate Campus

Managing a Safe, Thorough Evacuation

Emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime. Most office building owners and supervisors understand the importance of designing and implementing a detailed emergency escape plan. However, it is not uncommon to overlook certain aspects. After all, it is nearly impossible to predict the many types of emergencies that could arise.

Once of the most common oversights in corporate evacuation planning is disabled evacuation protocol. The Americans with Disabilities Act states that public accommodations must comply with basic nondiscrimination requirements that prohibit exclusion, segregation, and unequal treatment.[1] Immobile, disabled, or injured individuals must be able to escape the building efficiently in an emergency situation. The Evacuation Slyde by Belluscura™ is an effective way to ensure you are prepared for any circumstance.

Why Your Emergency Plan is Incomplete without Slyde

When disaster strikes, chaos can ensue quickly. Having a solid emergency plan can mean the difference between life and death. In addition to providing adequate evacuation protocol for disabled and immobile persons, it is important to consider that others may be severely injured during a catastrophic event.

In order to properly address these situations, having the correct equipment is necessary. Attempting to lift a disabled or injured person can result in further trauma, both for the evacuee and the person trying to rescue them. Slyde can assist in the safe transport of these individuals, and is designed to move effortlessly down stairs or over uneven surfaces, such as debris-filled hallways. Crafted from corrugated polypropylene, our medical sleds are lightweight and durable. Strong web handles provide multi-point control for two to seven carriers, making Slyde easy to maneuver.

The Evacuation Slyde is constructed to be practical and convenient. Emergency devices should be accessible at all times; that’s why we made Slyde foldable and stackable. Most companies find it is beneficial to store their rescue sleds near other essential lifesaving equipment so they can be accessed at a moment’s notice.

Legal Considerations

For employers, OSHA states that procedures for emergency evacuation must be set in place.[2] Additionally, in recent years, awareness has been raised regarding disability justice.[3] Individuals who live with disabilities have unique needs which can be met through effective evacuation protocols. Unfortunately, schools, businesses, and other institutions have been faced with substantial lawsuits because they failed to meet the needs of disabled persons who were on the property at the time of an emergency. Slyde can ensure you are prepared to accommodate every individual in a crisis situation.

Implement an Emergency Response Team

When implementing an emergency preparedness plan, it is important to develop a crisis response team. These individuals will be responsible for overseeing an evacuation during an emergency situation. In addition to designating an employee to communicate with emergency services, it is important to identify those who will help injured or disabled individuals evacuate the building safely. We find that this can be effectively carried out by assigning four primary roles:[4]

  • Point of Contact: This person should determine when an evacuation is required, and perform all necessary communication with emergency services.
  • Coordinator: Once an evacuation is in effect, the coordinator should secure the premises, and check all rooms for people left behind.
  • Head Counter: This person should be stationed outside to make sure all persons are accounted for.
  • First Aid and Medical Attention: Multiple members of the staff should be trained in basic first aid and evacuation procedures. The people on this team would be responsible for assembling and implementing use of Slyde for any immobile, non-ambulatory individuals.

Members of the emergency response team should undergo emergency training so they are well-prepared when the unforeseen happens. Additionally, frequent drills should be conducted so that protocols are second nature should a real emergency arise.

Learn More about the Evacuation Slyde

Developing a sound emergency escape plan can seem overwhelming. Find out how the Slyde can assist in efficient evacuation and give you priceless peace of mind. To learn more, visit our online resource center.

[1] https://www.ada.gov/cguide.htm – anchor62335

[2] https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id=9726&p_table=standards

[3] https://www.yalelawjournal.org/note/the-right-to-be-rescued

[4] https://safetymanagement.eku.edu/resources/articles/the-importance-of-having-an-evacuation-plan/